Southern Cross Kids’ Camps


Southern Cross Kids' Camps (SCKC) is a not-for-profit organisation providing annual camps for children across Australia.  The children who attend camp come from a background of abuse and neglect and are referred to the camps by welfare & foster organisations, school principals, social workers and chaplains.  

Through the provision of a safe environment, Southern Cross Kids' Camps gives children positive reinforcement that they are valuable, making a difference to the negative impact abuse has had on their young lives. Children from all walks of life deserve to be given every opportunity to develop a personal sense of competency, improved social skills, as well as assistance in becoming resilient, productive members of society, despite the adversity they have encountered.

The children that attend our camps are given an exciting week of making great memories. Memories that build their self-image, memories that allow them to smile, memories that give them hope that life is meant for living!

If you’d like to know more about the great work being done by Southern Cross Kids Camps, visit



A week of happy memories